Those of you that also follow us on Facebook will not be entirely suprised by this news, but I am afraid to say that things have not been going well with our kitty family. On the last update here, Chade was stable but Fez had developed a heart problem. We were able to stabilise Fezzik for a few weeks but eventually his age along with his diabetes and heart condition finally caught up with him and he passed away in my arms at home a couple of weeks ago.
Not long after that, we discovered that the steroids were no longer keeping Chade’s tumour under control. He was still quite comfortable in himself even though he needed lots of care. He was very happy that I would sleep downstairs on the sofa with him at night and I’m sure he was happy and comfortable. Unfortunately last week he went downhill rapidly and we were forced to make the terrible decision to rush him to the vets in the middle of the night to be put to sleep.
Thank you all so much for your patience, understanding and kind words. Caring for both of them with all the pills, injections, dressing changes and more has been exhausting but we would both gladly take up that burden to have our kitties back.
Having also lost Nettle to cancer a few months ago, it has been a real struggle this year. We are still picking up the pieces but we do have some interesting stuff planned for you and we are nearly ready to record the next episode. Thank you so much for bearing with us and we promise we’ll have some interesting new content out for you soon.